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格兰是格兰KVERNELAND旗下知名农机品牌。 代表农机产品有:一旋25马力乘坐式履带旋耕机、 大华宝来玉米大豆带状复合种植气吸式精量播种机、 斯维垦智能定位牛项圈-牛场牧场、 斯维垦猪场保温灯、 宁夏新大众全混合日粮中央厨房精准饲配装备、 多加农业200型履带式植保机器人、 等农机产品。

格兰集团是一家全球的国际化公司,开发、生产和销售农机具产品,提供农业智能化生产解决方案和数字服务。现代农业高产、高效、可持续发展的三项重要准则驱动我们不断前行,发展农机具的技术。格兰集团在播、种、耕、收、打捆、撒肥、喷药、电子智能和农业数字服务方面不断创新,锐意进取。格兰集团创建于1879年,在挪威、丹麦、法国、荷兰、意大利、俄罗斯和中国都建有工厂。格兰集团的销售分公司覆盖全球17个国家,产品销售覆盖60多个国家。截止到2020年底,格兰集团在全球共有2552位员工,其中77%的员工就职于除总部挪威之外的世界各地。 格兰集团的公司愿景是成为智能、高效农业系统供应商,致力于世界农业的可持续发展,服务于全球不断增长的人口需求。

Kverneland Group is a leading international company developing, producing and distributing agricultural implements, electronic solutions and digital services. Productivity, efficiency, and sustainability are 3 important principles in today's agriculture, driving us every day to continuously develop our Agricultural Implement Technology. Kverneland Group offers an innovative range of soil and seeding equipment, forage and bale equipment, spreading, spraying, electronic solutions and digital farm services for agricultural tractors and implements. The Group was founded in 1879. Kverneland Group’s factories are located in Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Russia and China. The Group has own sales companies in 17 countries and exports to another 60 countries. At the end of 2020, Kverneland Group had 2,552 employees, of which 77 worked outside Norway. Kverneland Groups Vision is 'Being a leading provider of intelligent and efficient farming systems contributing to sustainable agriculture, serving the world’s growing population.'
